The things we let drift away

The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.

John F. Kennedy

By March 31st 2020 the United States marked 3,000 deaths and 163,539 cases. By April 2nd, just four months since its emergence Covid was believed to have caused some 4,300 people to die in the US and nearly 200,000 cases.

The Covid 19 pandemic was first detected in late fall/early winter 2019. The official date of December 31st marks the acknowledgment of at least 27 cases from earlier that month that were diagnosed as “pneumonia like symptoms” in China which are now known to have been some of the first Covid-19 cases.

In response to these frightening numbers the United States, along with dozens of other countries implemented stay at home measures as well as;

stricter personal hygiene -self isolating   -travel bans

-forcing “non-essential” workers to stop working

-implementing special hours for the elderly to shop

-suspended “in-school” instruction for all levels of education.

-suspension of public gatherings, restaurants

-implementation of constant multi-media coverage of the pandemic as well as recommendations

-implementation of fear rhetoric/ reminder propaganda like; “together alone” “stay home save lives” “together apart” “mask up” etc on medias such as; radio, billboards, tv commercials, social media ads, traffic marquees, flyers, store notices, etc.

-the change from the support of alternative medicines to banning them.

-the silencing and media banning of doctors and scientists that had alternative perspectives

-the implementation of a Coronavirus task force and Operation Warp Speed to create a vaccine for the novel virus.

-the prediction was made that before the end of May 2020 as many as 240,000 deaths were expected to occur and up to 2 million deaths in the US by fall of 2020. (neither were found to be true)

In short, before we even got to 4,000 deaths in the united states (regardless of the fact that those numbers are hyper inflated and not considered wholly accurate) we had an upheaval of life as we knew it. Children could not go to school, hug their grandparents, or play with friends -not even for their birthdays. Hard-working American’s were faced with unemployment for reasons beyond their control and in staggering numbers. Grocery stores across the country were barren of essentials. Shopping online was no saving grace as orders of basic items like toilet paper on amazon were either sold out completely or back ordered, some as far back as 6 months. Small businesses had to close-down, and many would close for good.  Face masks were also on short supply leaving millions to be forced to make their own if they had the ability and resources to do so.

Fear and Uncertainty were the only things that were never in short supply or hard to come by.

It is sufficient to say that before we hit 4,000 deaths and just over 160k cases, in those first 4 months we went to great lengths to address the cause. After those early days of April in 2020 the virus went on the continue causing more and more deaths and multitudes of cases to the point that now, 1 year 4 months and a few days since the emergence of the pandemic we are now at 580,938 deaths and over 32 million cases in the United States.

 According to the CDC 89% of those covid-19 deaths were of people that had serious underlying conditions (averaging 2.7 pre-existing diseases per patient), 78% of those hospitalized were considered overweight or obese. Of the ages 0-17 there has been 277 deaths. For those under the age of 10 there were 33 deaths. Most of the deaths were by those in hospice, nursing homes, over the age of 65 and/or had multiple co-morbidities.  

Though there were many recommendations on ways to slow the spread many Americans felt frustrated for having to deal with something they didn’t choose to deal with. A frustration made worse by the media’s constant reminding by posting each and every death minute by minute, heightening the fear that further gave the government and businesses the green light to impose more policies and longer restrictions. But, we all complied and we all did our part because we had American citizens dying every single day and we didn’t want more deaths, nor did we want their deaths to be forgotten or to have occurred in vain.

By the End of 2020 we had 3 to 4 viable vaccines ready for emergency use authorization and by December the first shipments went out, and by the end of that month we had already begun immunizing those that the government considered most at risk. This marked a moment of US history, for never before in our history had mRNA vaccines been used on human beings, and never before had a vaccine been ushered out in such a short timeframe (Averaging 9 months in production, including trials and manufacturing.)

Now that I’ve summed up the past year and 4 months I have to say we should be ashamed. Although its true that there was no feasible way that we could have completely eradicate a novel virus without a single victim. There was no way, despite our efforts to have avoided every single death but we could have been fair and caring and less prejudicial.

 The lack of care, concern, and even acknowledgement of thousands of our fellow American’s deaths is disgraceful and disgusting. Who decided which lives are news-worthy and which lives deserve to be snuffed out, unnoticed and un-mentioned? We have made that choice to say some lives get this fate and it’s a choice we continue to make.

 A massive chunk of the largest social gatherings during the pandemic were done in droves, despite the ongoing pandemic and its policies in the name of equality. The BLM protests were blanketed across the country and continue even today. Despite burning buildings and the possibility that they could have become super-spreader events they were done in the name of equality!  I, myself participated in a Black Lives Matter rally in the name of equality because I hold the American belief that there should be equal representation and that no death should be in vain and that the lives lost deserved loud, clear, recognition because their lives mattered.

However, I am calling out the American people for being everything they have claimed that they weren’t. Despite a year of civil unrest and of us as a country coming together to combat the virus, because we still don’t practice what we preach. The United States is not all-inclusive, fair, caring, or sincere! We are prejudiced, dismissive, and hypocritical. Making all that it seems like we had strived to be was done in vain, because we don’t care when certain people die.

There are thousands of people in the past four months of 2021 that have died, and 100’s of thousands that were injured, or endured some pain, even some struck with lasting disabilities and yet we could care less. The government, the media and the people have decided a certain group of Americans don’t deserve recognition, they don’t deserve media coverage, rallying for justice, and they don’t even get so much as a mention from the main stream media. In fact, they have done all they can to not discuss it. Thousands of American corpses in the past four months that we say nothing a damn word about it but it sure says a lot about us now doesn’t it?

Covid-19 lives matter. Black Lives matter, but not every life matters. Not here in the United States, land of the free and home of the brave. That is the sad but true American-Way, inequality. Unless you’re one of the extremely few Americans that have made these exclusive group’s deaths known and spoken for these people then perhaps you’re not without prejudice. You do not support what we claim to stand for. You are not pro-American, or pro-equality.

Well, perhaps you are pro-American, and we just need to be more honest with ourselves as to what that actually means. It seems like being pro-American actually means you’re pro-government approved equality. Only for equality when there are headlines, and others have paved the way for you.

If you have to have the mainstream media tell you when you should care about your fellow Americans or tell you when and who to cry for and demand justice for them then I hate to tell you but you’re not a patriot, you’re not progressive, you are not warm hearted, understanding or courageous. You’re a marketed reaction with a pulse, that can be conjured at the drop of a headline with the selfish thin reward of virtue signaling.

In the past 4 months there has been a quickly growing group of dying Americans that we have made clear don’t matter. So far, in just 4 short months they have seen 3,544 deaths and 118,903 instances of pain, discomfort and maiming occurring and still we’ve decided they do not matter. In fact, to mention it you’ll likely be reprimanded, branded a conspiracy theorist, combated in social media by fact checkers who reiterate the point that they don’t matter, they aren’t real. So, we as the cowards we are, are fine with this. No rallying through the streets demanding to be recognized, no public outcry, no reverence for their loss.

When last year, over the same amount of time, and exhibiting nearly the same numbers we pulled the proverbial carpet out from under the world, in arms, ready to toss away normalcy, the economy and our rights in the blink of an eye. This year? Well, I guess no one could be bothered by the same circumstances because that was “so last year.” Right? 

All because this year these deaths are in a group of people that apparently is worth less than those who died last year and since the media hasn’t told you that you should care about them so you return to the American default setting of hypocritical selfish indifference.

First 8 months of US Police Officers killing black Americans: 164 deaths (January 01- August 31st 2020)

First 4 months Covid-19:  4,300 deaths and 200,000 cases (December to April 2020 with inflated figures)

First 4 Months of Deaths following inoculation in 2021: 3,544 deaths and 118,903 injuries/reactions (only 1% is represented)

Its not a matter of conspiracy. It’s a matter of lives It’s a matter of integrity. Rather I should say that’s how it should be, but it is clear that caring and equality is political, conditional and it’s not about American lives.

All the measures, policies, headlines, are for some Americans but not for all. It doesn’t matter if you’re innocent. It doesn’t matter that they did it out of fear, or pressure, or because they believed it was their best chance at living and it might have been for some but that does not equate to them deserving to die without being acknowledged.

No major media outlets would dare say those who died from covid were just silly fabrications of tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. Nor would they dare have gone months without reporting the deaths and injuries. How can you justify this treatment?!  No one said you can’t talk about George Floyd or march for Breanna Taylor. Because Black Lives do matter! It’s just that Vaxxed lives don’t.

The number of covid deaths are going down in this country and with our efforts and support of civil rights leaders the killings of blacks by police will also reduce. What is being done to reduce, hell even acknowledge the deaths of those who died after the vax? Nothing.

Let us not ignore the fact that this group is unique in the fact that is growing in possible victims every day and the confirmed total of deaths has risen steadily every week.  A number that will grow exponentially as more and more people are able to, encouraged, coerced and even forced to get the vaccine. Also, its important to note that death toll, along with the other injuries/adverse reactions we see reflect only one percent of the actual figures. There is no cash incentive to mark down a vaccine death unlike there is for Covid-19 patients. The US government is the most silent on the matter leaving us who care to believe that 1% is all that will ever be shown and that even that fraction won’t receive a word of remorse.

This number of 3,544 deaths doesn’t even include the dozens of miscarriages either that have occurred in women that have gotten the vaccine. Nor does it reflect the 100’s of millions that have yet to get a dose, like children, or the millions who’ve yet to get the second shot. Not to mention that now they are saying you will need booster shots of this vaccine and likely need one yearly.

What if it were you or your parent that died after receiving the covid-19 vaccine? How would you feel knowing your death or theirs would go un-noticed? No one would care and if someone dared to shine light on your misfortune they’d quickly be silenced and the whole topic of your death would be labeled a conspiracy and said to be dangerous speech? Only for the rest of the country to line their families up to be next to play vaccine roulette and maybe even share your same sad silent fate?

Could you imagine it happening to a sibling or parent and then finding out that your government said “Well that’s too bad, but you cannot 100% prove it was the vaccine, you can’t sue us, and by the way if you want to keep your job and your child educated then you both have to subject yourselves to the same shot that killed grandma or uncle so and so? Not just once either, but up to two or three… possibly one every single year. How much trauma and anxiety would that cause you and your remaining family? What if it were against your religion? Isn’t that bigotry? What about standing up against bigotry? If bigotry is your thing do everyone a favor and don’t chime in about those who die from covid or met their death at the end a gun that didn’t need to be fired. Don’t pretend to care about lives. Be honest with yourselves and everyone else and have the guts to say “I’m an American and I believe only some lives matter. I support the forced requirement for people whom I don’t know to risk their lives and take the jab. Even if your religion prohibits it. Even if your family has been a victim. I don’t care and won’t care that a certain group of innocent American’s die because the media says they don’t exist and that’s good enough for me.”

Might as well. Its what you’re all really saying anyways right?



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